Grammar Info

Level 2: 1/29

Verb + (으)ㄹ 거예요

Going to


verb + (으)ㄹ 거예요


Vowel ending verbs + ㄹ 거예요

Consonant ending verbs + 을 거예요

Verbs ending with ㄹ + 거예요

About (으)ㄹ 거예요

When a verb is changed into this form, it takes on the meaning of "to be going to" do something or "will" do something, however when listening to native speakers' conversations the present tense can also serve to express the future if the context is clear.

    • 언제 할 거예요

      When are you going to do it.

      • 혼자 갈 거예요

        I am going to go alone.

        • 얼마에 팔 거예요?

          How much are you going to sell it for?