Level 3: 3/30

Positions 앞에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에, 뒤에

In this episode: In front of, Behind, On top of, Under AND Next to

Lesson audio


= Front
뒤 = Back
옆 = Side
위 = Top
밑 = Bottom
Adding 에 makes these words prepositions

Prepositional words

In English, these words come BEFORE the words which they modify, but in Korean, they come AFTER the words.
자동차 앞에 = in front of the car
자동차 뒤에  = behind the car
자동차 옆에  = next to the car

자동차 위에  = on the car
자동차 밑에 = under the car

About 앞에, 옆에, 위에, 밑에, 뒤에

is only used with the status of a person or object. When expressing actions and behaviors which are actively happening, use 에서

친구를 어디에서 만날 거예요?

Where are you going to meet (your) friends?

은행 앞에서 만날 거예요.

I am going to meet (them) in front of the bank

Sample sentences

소파 위에서 자고 있어요

I am sleeping on the sofa.

나무 밑에서 책을 읽고 있어요

I am reading a book under the tree.

앞에서 통화하고 있었어요

I was talking on the phone in front of the door.